Blog Copywriter
HummingBiird was a service-based app for college students, while in beta stages mainly working with the Florida State University. Students could connect with one another and pay another college student to do various tasks for them such as dog walking, essay writing help, photography and so on. I did content writing for their blog, and along with made the graphics for blog posts.
TITLES to HUMmingbiird articles
*Please note that links to articles are no longer accessible as HUMINGBIIRD no longer exists unfortunatly.
How Hummingbiird Can “Vamp Up” Your Halloween in Tallahassee
Hurricane Michael: From a FSU Student Perspective
Psychology of Colors in Logo Design: What They Mean
How Hummingbiird Can Give You Writing Help!
Money Saving Hacks
Selfies and Self-Care
Tips: Pet Care and Best Student Discounts
The New App With Home Improvement Tallahassee Needs
10 Ways to Keep Your Dorm Space From Turning Into a Trash Space
What Hummingbiird Can Do For You
7 Ways To Make Getting Up For Early Lectures Easier